How do you feel about your birthday? Love it, dread it, or see it as just another day. March is my birthday month and I am usually very reflective during this time. I think back over the last year and assess what I have achieved, what I have learned and in what ways am I different. As well as considering what has not gone so well, what I have not achieved, and what has been challenging, personally and professionally.
To consider challenges as learning opportunities for the high achiever is really important. As I have been reflecting this is something I try to be very cognisant of. I would like to share of my learnings during the last 12 months.
I have learned that I can self-publish, design book covers, and upload to Amazon successfully, and one book idea can turn into a series.
I have learned that writing as a creative process is not straightforward and just because I schedule to write, it does not mean I am in the creative head space to write effectively. And that’s okay.
- I have learned that I can make courageous business decisions with a long-term goal in mind.
- I have to continue to invest time and finances into my own personal growth.
- Sometimes it’s easier to start afresh, rather than change what has been started.
- It brings me so much joy when a client has a breakthrough session and their thinking fundamentally changes.
- Appropriate vulnerability can open doors for individuals to choose to work with me.
- I can post consistently on social media, embracing new features.
- Outsourcing tasks is an effective way to manage time and commitments.
- Just because I can learn to do a task, does not mean I should, when my mental energy could be focussed on the core business activities.
- Colleagues can become great friends and friends can become great clients.
- As a coach, I cannot want an outcome more for my client than they want for themselves.
- It is necessary to put the put of office message on and switch off regularly.
- I am not obligated to respond to messages and emails until it is at a convenient time and when I am actually working.
- Professional boundaries are important and should be established to manage expectations.
There are many other lessons this past year has taught me but I hope you have found value in reading these, some of which I am sure will serve just as reminders. Every year we age and mature is a gift, and for those who may find it a struggle, consider the possibilities. What if you focussed primarily on not being in the same place next year, and worked towards growth and progression? What if you were determined to appreciate and celebrate that you get to be at this age and stage in life, and not hone in on any negativity that may surround being a year older? Life is a gift, and as you read this, can I encourage and remind you that you are enough. You are not too old, you are not too young or too late, you are right on time.
Francesca McDowall, March 2023