
Not Everything Will be New in the New Year!

Now that the Christmas festivities are almost over and all the attention is on the New Year, you may be seeing the phrase “new year, new you” all over on social media. Lots of talk on setting new year resolutions and the “proven strategy” to ensure 2024 is your best year yet! Now, don’t get me wrong there are strategies that can definitely help you to live more intentionally to achieve success and growth. That, however, is not the whole story.


When the calendar transitions from 23:59:59 2023 to 00:00:01 2024 none of us are going to magically transform into a brand new version of ourselves. We are not going to experience a supernatural and almost mystical mental shift that means everything about us is now our ideal and optimum self. We are going to be exactly the same person at the end of 2023 as we are at the beginning of 2024, and that is perfectly okay.


There is often an overwhelming pressure to complete all our outstanding goals at this time of the year, or park everything and make a fresh start on 1st January. Neither of these perspectives are very helpful, as life is a continuum and nothing changes “just” because it is a new week, new month or new year. Let’s consider what will not be new, and why that can actually be really positive.


This year you have had successes. Fact. It may be helpful to list what went well in 2024.

And without comparing your journey to anyone else’s you have achieved, accomplished and survived 2023. There have been decisions you made this year that has led to these successes, your behaviour, habits and lifestyle rhythms along the way have assisted. Your growth mind-set, the willingness to embrace the uncomfortable and embrace challenges have worked for you. In addition, the resilience in overcoming the challenges, setbacks and barriers that life has thrown your way have allowed you to succeed continually. All of which we really want to continue in 2024, even though they are not new! Remember, we were never aiming for perfection, rather consistently good outcomes.


If you know or feel like you do need new, that’s okay. After all, growth is positive and important. So consider thinking about the habits, behaviours, and actions that you need to stop or start in order to obtain a new or different outcome. We know that New Year’s resolutions are not always effective for everyone, instead strategic goal-setting and accountability are better for long-term success. A reminder that if you need a coaching session to facilitate and develop a strategic plan for your 2024 personal or professional goals do drop me a message and let’s get a date in the diary.


Lastly, enjoy both the end of the year and start of the new one. So many of us are not taking some of our friends and family in 2024 and grief has been a part of our journey this year, therefore let’s be incredibly grateful for the little things. Focus on who and what matters most and remain encouraged as you pursue purpose. Happy New Year!


Francesca McDowall, December 2023