
Life Is Often Dichotomy!

One of my friends recently posted on her Instagram account the following quote: “Two things can be true at the same time: We can’t ignore the war. We need to carry on with what’s in front of us”. I thought that summed it up perfectly how many people may have been feeling and thinking over the last few weeks. And whether it’s the current war in Eastern Europe or another type of war, because let’s face there is a lot of injustice going on locally, nationally, and internationally at the moment, including the horrendous treatment of ‘Child Q’, both of those two statements are true. We can be painfully aware of what is going on, and at the same time, still focus on what we have going on in our own lives.

Life is often a dichotomy, maybe you can relate too, but I know I have been in seasons where it seems that it was both the worst of times and the best of times, so this blog is focussed on how we take care of our well-being whilst still making progress towards our goals against the backdrop of big issues!

So let’s break it down. Firstly, the ability to be self-aware and discover what is really going on with ourselves is key. So make a habit of regularly checking in with yourself and asking “how am I really doing?” and if the answer is not great, this is then the opportunity to make some adjustments to avoid overwhelm and burnout. Progression towards your personal and professional goals are best achieved and maintained in the long run when we can be consistent. This may look different for everyone, but being self-aware to maintain a balance in your life is really essential.

It may seem very obvious but good nutrition, water, exercise, being in a healthy environment are all factors that can support your well-being. There are varying degrees of support that we need at times, and I do believe when you are living purposefully and intentionally we can often forget to add self-care and rest into that dynamic. Other adjustments may mean finding some professional help for your mental well-being, extending deadlines, or even delegating some tasks.

Taking positive action can also help reduce worry, concern, and feelings of anxiety. So we can consider what we can actually do to make a difference, even if it’s tiny, towards the big issues whether they are in our community, nationally, or even internationally. At the same time taking positive action and working on our goals and projects becomes even more meaningful because the fact that we even have the opportunity to do so is really a gift.

Learning about how you process difficult situations can also be really helpful, it goes hand in hand with being self-aware. This can also be considered in the context of previous difficult situations you have faced in the past; so if before you became stuck in moving forward or even felt guilty by focussing on you, you can start to process and reframe these thought and behaviour patterns.

I know life is tough, but it is also amazing whilst being beautifully complex. There is only one of you, and whilst someone could come along and do what you are doing, no one can do it quite the way you can. I believe that if there is a goal, passion, or dream that won’t leave you … there is a reason for that. Keep pushing forwards towards achieving those goals and making and making them a reality. This can only happen when you prioritise taking good care of you and your wellbeing.

Francesca McDowall