
Is It A Summer Of Self-care?

Summer has arrived. For some it is about holidays, going abroad, or spending time with family, and for others, it is about taking a break and slowing down at home. Whilst for some it is business as normal. In whichever way you experience summer I would like you to consider whether this will be a summer of self-care for you? When I say self-care I am not talking about spa days and strolls in nature, but holistic self-care that considers your health, mental health, and emotional wellness.

Self-care should be more than a one-off event or a day, but a lifestyle. I believe how effectively and intentionally we care for ourselves has a direct link to how effective we are in the positions that we hold and the roles that we play. Self-care is in no way selfish, it is in fact absolutely necessary.

Alongside coaching clients and training I support with projects, and recently I was asked if I had a spare few hours to undertake an urgent task. I checked my calendar for the day and realised that if I shifted some tasks I could accommodate the additional work. However, when I asked myself if I had the mental capacity to take on more work the answer was no. I updated the project lead accordingly, and they found someone else to undertake the task. A few years ago, I would most certainly have said yes. In this season of my life saying no is definitely one way that I practice self-care, especially if by saying yes, it is going to have a detrimental impact on me, no matter how small. As I proceeded through my week, I knew made the right decision, as I could focus on the work I had already committed to with all diligence, and also fit in a few swimming sessions.

Self-care is what athletes do when they have a rest day, pause training after injury, and hire a coach who will support them to excel, but not burn out. Self-care takes intention and strategy, it is about having the right environment and also learning what works well enabling you to flourish. It involves times of activity, then rest, possibly reflection, before continuing the activity. Whether over a day, week or month no one can healthily sustain activities, whether that is working, creating, teaching or developing 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Rest is a necessary component of self-care.

If you are a leader in any capacity, you are a role model, and therefore how you manage and prioritise your own self-care will undoubtedly impact your team, family, colleagues, and others who follow you. Whether admitted or not, for some what you do or do not do regarding your own self-care directly impacts the choices they make about their own self-care.

Can I encourage you to consider in what ways your self-care may need to be improved? Maybe write a few things down that you could start doing, and a few things you could stop doing. We are aiming to create a healthier lifestyle where you get enough rest, and exercise, are involved with activities that promote mental wellness, eat nutritious food and also cultivate healthy relationships. Remember one small change in one area can make a big difference over time.

Enjoy the summer and whether you have time off or not, choose to prioritise self-care as a way of life.