
What previous and existing clients say …

Public Speaking Coaching

“Your words of advice on presenting and speaking were invaluable, and integral to my success …you instilled courage, confident and faith in me to rise to the challenge and do my very best. As a result of your direct input, I was able to give the audience something tangible, something of value. (As a keynote speaker) I left them asking for more …” Ms

“ I am more aware of how I communicate in terms of my body language and posture which I didn’t realise before, so this is good and in speech not to keep using umm’s again I was unaware of this …” Mrs K

“ I learnt posture and position in front of the audience, also how to change my voice to project the content” Mr M

“Excellent … I learnt how to prepare content and present, also the importance of body language” Mrs H

“ It was the most the difficult thing I ever had to do, facing my fears with public speaking, with speaking in front of a camera and watching myself back on camera, but I must say it was probably the best course I have ever done in actually understanding more about myself, my weaknesses. I was on an intensive 3 day course and I have dramatically improved. I actually can watch myself back on camera still difficult, but Francesca has helped me to really understand areas of weakness that I need to improve, and I look forward to the journey ahead.” Mr D

“… brilliant, it enabled me to tell my story ad also know the different pitfalls in preparation and public speaking and it was great…” Mrs D

Coaching and Mentoring

“…Francesca is an amazing mentor, she has really helped me through my personal and professional life …. Francesca’s wisdom has always encouraged me to push forward in my career when things have been tough, she always goes that extra mile to help you and is an amazing listener. Since knowing her she has helped me to identify my strengths and qualities in order to excel further …”  Miss D

“… it was a beautiful experience … you make it all so easy and do able – thank you…” Ms W

Vision Board workshop

“I had wanted to do something with local government to understand what was happening in my local community, after identifying this during the workshop, it gave me greater desire to pursue this vision. I made a phone call the following week, which led to a private meeting with my local MP, who at the end of the meeting invited me to attend a parliamentary prayer breakfast in London in July. I believe being part of the workshop was instrumental because there were no limitations to what our vision could be, and we were encouraged to dream big” MRS M-K

Business Consultancy

“Thank you for your professional and clear instructions on how to develop my business profile using social media. As a result of your support, I have registered my website domain and have set up three new emails without any difficulties. Furthermore I was able to achieve my goals quicker than anticipated and I am making great progress. Thanks again for your time, patience and support.” Ms R