At least once a week I have a conversation with someone about how quickly the time is going, and how we can’t believe it’s already March, possibly April by the time you read this. And it’s true, time will always keep going, and does not pause or stop for anybody. Not only are we coming to the end of the month, but we are also coming to the end of Quarter 1. We have completed 25% of 2024! That thought may possibly fill you with dread or delight depending on how the year has started for you.
In this month’s blog I would like to share a few productivity hacks that may help you have a more successful Quarter 2 (Q2). Let’s start with honesty! Be honest with yourself in terms of the areas of responsibilities that you currently have, personal commitments and your holistic wellbeing. As a coach something I see in clients are unrealistic expectations of their current goals and capabilities based on the season of life they find themselves in. If, for example, you find yourself in challenging family circumstances, it may not possibly be the best time to take on additional clients, projects or roles, particularly if the existing work already feels like a stretch. As professionals we may need reminding that the goal may not be wrong, or beyond our abilities, it may just be the timing that needs adjustment. So, let’s start Q2 with taking an honest look and evaluating what life looks like now, and where our priorities should be focused based on what is most important.
The next hack is showing up more assertively and saying no more often. The ability to say no for some professionals is going to be one of the most effective strategies in remaining productive. Saying no to the people, places and projects that are not aligning with current goals will free up your time, energy and resources for the most important tasks. Now, this is not new to us, but how often are we checking in with ourselves and consciously considering to what extent are we actually saying no to the wrong opportunities, and saying yes to the right ones.
Collaboration is working together with another individual, team or organisation on a joint venture. The pooling together of resources, time, expertise, knowledge and even finances can generate creativity and increase opportunities for development. In Q2 who can you collaborate with to enhance your productivity and progress? The purpose of joint working may have a different purpose, but there are many other benefits too.
The last few productivity hack that we would normally start with is effective goal setting, possibly using the SMART (specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and time bound) method. In addition to setting goals, writing them out will often enhance the likelihood of achieving them, as will telling someone. Accountability is definitely something we should engage in regularly, as is scheduling in the tasks needed to achieve our goals.
Whether you have personal, professional, or public speaking goals in Q2, can I encourage you to take the time to plan out how you will not only achieve them but also work more productively and strategically. Lastly, in whatever way is meaningful be sure to chart and acknowledge your successes regularly. Have a great month ahead.
Francesca McDowall, March 2024