
It’s Halfway Through The Year….

It felt like just yesterday we were planning on how to celebrate the new year, saying goodbye to 2022 and deciding on new year resolutions for 2023. I had made plans on where I was going to see in the new year but ended up being in bed with the flu, which was not fun. Still, January came and after wishing everyone a “happy new year” for the first few weeks, the routine of life quickly settled in. And well, the rest is history, quite literally.


And here we are, halfway through the year, and I often wonder what proportion of people feel excited by that realisation versus feeling challenged by it. The reality is that time waits for no one; it is constantly moving, and whether we make the most of the time available or not, time does what it does best – it keeps ticking forward.


It is very easy to think about the first half of the year and ruminate on how much further along we should, could or may have been if we made different choices. How, if we had not abandoned some of the healthy habits we adopted in January we possibly could be in a slightly different place. But we are unable to change what has already been. Therefore, can I suggest when we consider the first six months of the year, we focus on the wins. Both the small wins and the big wins. In addition to what lessons we have learned. Let’s be intentional with also celebrating the unexpected and challenging obstacles we have had to overcome, because in all honestly there have been quite a few!


So, yes, there are six months until 2024, and as a proactive and committed professional, I know you have your work and business goals in motion (if you don’t maybe you need to book a coaching call with myself). So, in addition to the business goals, I have three other goals you could consider working towards over the next six months, to further enrich 2023:


  1. Set a goal around making memories with friends and family. How much time do we actually spend with our loved ones outside of work and day-to-day life? How about planning a road trip, a meal together, a games night, or participating in an activity? And then capturing the memories with a few pictures or videos.
  2. Set a goal around your personal development; learn a new skill, start a creative class, read the latest book from your favourite author, or find an inspirational podcast. There is no goal too small or significant when it comes to your own development. We are all different, in different seasons of life with different things that are meaningful to us.
  3. Set a goal around giving back or volunteering. I went to a networking event recently and the host was sharing some research on ‘joy’ and how individuals who volunteer experience more joy in life. It could be just an hour of your time, once a week or once a month, but those who you are supporting will definitely appreciate it.


Six months gone and six months to go. It’s interesting how so many aspects of life can change yet stay the same simultaneously. It is important to note, however, that we can be intentional about moving more towards the life we desire, and also becoming the person we would like to be. I once read that ‘procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God owes you another day to get done what you should have done today!’ I found it quite sobering. Can I encourage you as we head into the next half of the year, to stay focused and always remember that “you’ve got this”!

Francesca McDowall, June 2023